Defining dependencies#

Antidote provides out of the box 4 different kinds of dependencies:

  • injectable() classes for which an instance is provided.

  • const for defining simple constants.

  • lazy function calls (taking into account arguments) used for (stateful-)factories, parameterized dependencies, complex constants, etc.

  • interface for a function, class or even lazy function call for which one or multiple implementations can be provided.

Each Dependency has a lifetime defining how long world holds their value alive. The most important are:

  • singleton: value is created at most once and re-used afterwards

  • transient: value is never cached and re-computed each time.

By default, all dependencies are singleton but it can be easily changed:

from antidote import injectable, world

class SingleUse:

assert world[SingleUse] is not world[SingleUse]

A third lifetime exist, scoped, but its usage will presented later.


As shown multiple times before injectable() defines a class as a dependency for which an instance of the said class will be provided. By default, the decorated class will be automatically wired, like wire(), with a Wiring that can be configured. It is also possible to configure how the instance is created by specifying a factory_method:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from antidote import injectable, world, inject

class Service:

class ConfiguredService:
    config: object
    service: Service

    def load(cls, service: Service = -> 'ConfiguredService':
        # load configuration from somewhere
        return cls(config='config', service=service)
>>> world[ConfiguredService].config
>>> world[ConfiguredService].service is world[Service]


const defines either static constants or ones retrieved, lazily, from environment variables:

from antidote import const, inject

TMP_DIR = const("/tmp")

# From environment variables
LOCATION = const.env("PWD")
USER = const.env()  # uses the name of the variable
PORT = const.env(convert=int)  # convert the environment variable to a given type
UNKNOWN = const.env(default='unknown')

# A class provides a convenient namespace
class Conf:
    TMP_DIR = const("/tmp")
    USER = const.env()

def f(tmp_dir: str = inject[Conf.TMP_DIR]) -> str:
    return tmp_dir
>>> from antidote import world, inject
>>> world[Conf.TMP_DIR]
>>> world[UNKNOWN]
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['PORT'] = '80'
>>> world[PORT]
>>> f()


lazy defines a function call as a dependency. As such using the same arguments will return the same dependency. By default, the decorated function will be injected with inject.

from antidote import lazy, world, inject, injectable

class Service:

def template(name: str, service: Service = -> str:
    return f"Template {name}"

def f(main_template = inject[template(name="main")]) -> str:
    return main_template
>>> world[template(name="main")]
'Template main'
>>> f() is world[template(name="main")]  # singleton by default

The original function can still be accessed through __wrapped__. lazy also exposes several variations of itself:

  • value() allows the function to be used like a variable:

    from antidote import lazy
    class Redis:  # from another library, can't decorate with @injectable
    def app_redis() -> Redis:
        return Redis()
    >>> from antidote import world
    >>> world[app_redis]
    <Redis object ...>
  • method() will inject self like @inject.method. However, contrary to the latter it keeps the same behavior whether called from the class or an instance:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from antidote import lazy, world, injectable
    class Dummy:
        name: str
    class Factory:
        prefix: str = 'Mr. '
        @lazy.method  # used as stateful factory
        def dummy(self, name: str) -> Dummy:
            return Dummy(name=f'{self.prefix}{name}')
    >>> from antidote import world
    >>> world[Factory.dummy(name='John')]
    Dummy(name='Mr. John')
    >>> factory = Factory(prefix="Ms. ")
    >>> # calling from an instance does not change its behavior
    ... world[factory.dummy(name='John')]
    Dummy(name='Mr. John')
  • property() behaves like a property and will inject self like method():

    from antidote import lazy, injectable
    class Conf:
        def host(self) -> str:
            return 'localhost'
    >>> from antidote import world
    >>> world[]

To customize the injections, just apply inject yourself:

from antidote import lazy, inject, injectable

class Service:

def f(service):


interface defines a contract for which one or multiple implementations can be registered. The interface itself can be a class, a function or even a lazy call. Implementations won’t be directly accessible unless explicitly defined as such.


For a class implements ensures that all implementations are subclasses of it.

from antidote import implements, inject, interface, world, instanceOf

class Task:

class CustomTask(Task):  # CustomTask must inherit Task

assert world.get(CustomTask) is None  # CustomTask not directly accessible
assert isinstance(world[Task], CustomTask)
assert world[Task] is world[Task]  # CustomTask is a singleton

# More on this latter, constraints can be passed down to single() and all() to filter implementations
assert world[instanceOf(Task)] is world[Task]
assert world[instanceOf(Task).single()] is world[Task]
assert world[instanceOf(Task).all()] == [world[Task]]

def f(task: Task = -> Task:
    return task

@inject  #   ⯆ Iterable[Task] / Sequence[Task] / List[Task] would also work
def g(tasks: list[Task] = -> list[Task]:
    return tasks

assert f() is world[Task]
assert g() == world[instanceOf(Task).all()]

Underneath implements uses :py:func:.injectable`, so you can customize the implementation however you wish through it. The following implementation is strictly equivalent to the previous one:

from antidote import injectable

@implements(Task)  #      ⯆ More on this later, this is what "hides" CustomTask
class CustomTask(Task):

“Hiding” the implementation is not a necessity though:

@injectable  # not hidden anymore
class CustomTask(Task):

When using a Protocol as an interface, implementations will only be checked if runtime_checkable was applied on the protocol. For proper static-typing alternative syntaxes are also provided:

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable

from antidote import implements, interface, world, instanceOf

@runtime_checkable  # if present, implementations will be checked
class Base(Protocol):
    def get(self) -> object:

class BaseImpl:
    def get(self) -> object:

assert isinstance(world[instanceOf[Base]], BaseImpl)

Function & Lazy#

For a function implements ensures the signature of the implementation matches the interface.

from typing import Callable, List

from antidote import implements, interface, world, inject

def validator(name: str) -> bool:

def not_too_long(name: str) -> bool:
    return len(name) < 10

# returning the function itself
assert world[validator] is not_too_long

def lower_case_only(name: str) -> bool:
    return name.lower() == name

def validate(name: str, validators: List[Callable[[str], bool]] = inject[validator.all()]) -> bool:
    return all(v(name) for v in validators)

assert not validate("CAPITAL")
assert not validate("this is too long to be validated")
assert validate("antidote")

Like lazy, it is also possible to define the function call as the dependency:

from antidote import implements, inject, interface, world

def template(name: str) -> str:

def my_template(name: str) -> str:
    return f"My Template {name}"

# Contrary to a function interface, here the template by itself is not a dependency.
assert template not in world
# Only the function call is
assert world[template(name="world")] == "My Template world"
# Retrieving a single implementation and calling it with specified arguments
assert world[template.single()(name="world")] == "My Template world"

def f(world_template: str = inject[template(name="world")]) -> str:
    return world_template

assert f() == "My Template world"

Similar to what we have seen for interface classes and injectable(), @implements.lazy applies lazy underneath. The following is strictly equivalent to the previous definition:

from antidote import lazy

def my_template(name: str) -> str:
    return f"My Template {name}"

Multiple implementations#

Three different mechanisms exist to select one or multiple implementations among many. First let’s define a simple interface:

from antidote import interface

class CloudAPI:
  1. At declaration, conditions define whether an implementation is registered or not:

from antidote import inject, const, world, implements

CLOUD = const('gcp')

def in_cloud(name: str, current_cloud: str = inject[CLOUD]) -> bool:
    return name == current_cloud

class GCPapi(CloudAPI):

class AWSapi(CloudAPI):

assert isinstance(world[CloudAPI], GCPapi)
  1. A condition can also be a Predicate which allows adding metadata to an implementation. At request, it is then possible to filter implementations based on this metadata with a PredicateConstraint. Here is an example with the QualifiedBy predicate:

from antidote import world, implements, instanceOf, QualifiedBy

class AWSapi(CloudAPI):

@implements(CloudAPI).when(qualified_by='gcp')  # shortcut definition
class GCPapi(CloudAPI):

assert isinstance(world[instanceOf(CloudAPI).single(qualified_by='aws')], AWSapi)
  1. A condition not only defines whether an implementation is used or not, but also their ordering with an ImplementationWeight. By default the NeutralWeight is used, which as the name implies has no effect. It’s possible to define one’s own weight and use it in combination with the NeutralWeight, but two custom weight implementations cannot be used together:

from typing import Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from antidote import world, implements, Predicate

class Weight:
    value: float

    def neutral(cls) -> 'Weight':
        return Weight(0)

    def of_neutral_predicate(cls, predicate: Predicate[Any]) -> 'Weight':
        return cls.neutral()

    def __lt__(self, other: 'Weight') -> bool:
        return self.value < other.value

    def __add__(self, other: 'Weight') -> 'Weight':
        return Weight(self.value + other.value)

class GCPapi(CloudAPI):

class AWSapi(CloudAPI):

assert isinstance(world[CloudAPI], GCPapi)

Default implementation#

A default implementation is used whenever no alternative implementation can be used. You can either define it to be the interface itself or an implementation:

from antidote import interface, implements, world

def callback() -> None:

assert world[callback] is callback.__wrapped__

def custom_callback() -> None:

assert world[callback] is custom_callback

class Service:

class ServiceDefaultImpl(Service):

assert isinstance(world[Service], ServiceDefaultImpl)

class CustomServiceImpl(Service):

assert isinstance(world[Service], CustomServiceImpl)

Overriding an implementation#

An (default) implementation can be overridden by another one. It’ll be used in exactly the same conditions as the original one.

from antidote import implements, interface, world

class Service:

class ServiceImpl(Service):

class Override(Service):

assert isinstance(world[Service], Override)

Freezing dependencies definitions#

The catalog, world, can be frozen in order to prevent any new dependency definitions with freeze(), a FrozenCatalogError will be raised instead:

from antidote import world
